
From Ancient Anguish Mud Wiki - AAwiki

Revision as of 22:39, 26 July 2013 by Aawiki (talk | contribs)
1. useless 4. serviceable 7. good 10. nearly perfect
2. very poor 5. adequate 8. very good 11. absolutely perfect
3. poor 6. fine 9. splendid


Name Head Neck More effective Less Effective Weight
A horned great helm fine adequate crushing piercing 3
a banded mail helm of arrow turning splendid slashing piercing -
A welded iron helmet fine crushing piercing 3
A blackcrown fine crushing piercing 2
A stone helmet fine crushing piercing 2
A skull helmet fine crushing piercing 1
a platemail helm of the ghost fine crushing piercing -
a scalemail coif of axe turning fine slashing piercing -
a platemail helm of war fine crushing piercing -
A trolloc bone helm poor poor crushing piercing 2
A conical helmet adequate crushing piercing 3
A spider helm adequate slashing piercing 3
A spangenhelm adequate slashing piercing 2
The Thinking Cap adequate equally equally 1
A black helmet adequate useless crushing piercing 2
a banded mail helm of the ghost adequate slashing piercing -
a banded mail helm (Glowing blue) adequate slashing piercing -
some banded mail greaves of the woods adequate slashing piercing -
a banded mail helm of war adequate slashing piercing -
a banded mail helm of Health adequate slashing piercing -
A steel bascinet adequate crushing piercing 2
a banded mail helm of the mer adequate slashing piercing -
a banded mail helm (Glowing yellow) adequate slashing piercing -
a banded mail helm of the woods adequate slashing piercing -
A Shadowy Mask adequate crushing piercing 1
A leather helmet serviceable slashing crushing 1
A metal headband poor slashing piercing 1
A snailshell helmet poor crushing piercing 1
A Drowgar helm poor crushing piercing 2
A pot helmet poor crushing piercing 1
A helmet with demon horns poor slashing crushing 1
A turban very poor slashing crushing 1
A red turban very poor slashing crushing 1
A horned metal helmet very poor slashing crushing 1
A musk ox wool helmet very poor slashing crushing 1
A pointed hat very poor slashing crushing 1
Worn fishing hat useless slashing crushing 1
A gauzy veil useless slashing crushing 1