Brigand Fortress

From Ancient Anguish Mud Wiki - AAwiki

Fast Facts

Coder: Ricochet
Continent: Anguish
Directions: 20n 8w 1s 1w 1s 1w climb mountain
Loot: Rated 3 out of 6 $$$$$$
Suitable: Mid-High Level Area
Difficulty: Rated 4 out of 6 ☠☠☠☠☠☠


Find the locker and see whats inside...


NPC Race Level Aim Smitable Experience NPC Count Alignment
Booker Orc 16 None no 2627 1 3Neutral
Brigand Brigand 13 None yes 778 1 0Demonic
Brigand Brigand 14 None yes 1168 1 0Demonic
Brigand Guards Brigand 0 Unknown Unknown 1 Unknown
Bulette Bulette 18 Leg no 5911 1 3neutral
Carey Orc 16 Arm no 2627 1 3Neutral
Hermit Human 19 Leg no 8867 1 3Neutral
Patrolling Brigand Brigand 7 head no 68 1 3Neutral
Zorgon Orc 19 None yes 8867 1 0Demonic


Weapon Type Skill Wt. Str NPC Damage Parry Handed
A morningstar Flail 35-45 4 9 Carey Greater than Average Poor One Handed
Crossbow (unique) Marksmanship 45-55 3 11 Hermit Average Useless One Handed
A polearm Polearm 30-35 7 Booker Average Very Good One Handed
A worn sword Shortsword 20-30 4 Brigand Fortress Average Adequate One Handed
A plain sword Shortsword 45-55 10 Brigand Fortress Average Good One Handed
A pool stick Staff 15-20 1 3 Brigand Fortress Average Adequate Two Handed
Elvenheart the Sword Two handed sword 85-100 5 Zorgon Average Nearly Perfect Two Handed


 ___         ___                ___      ___      ___
| 7 |       | 1 |              |33 |____|34 |____|35 |
|___|       |___| Top level    |___|    |___|    |___| Upper roof
 _|_         _|_  (enter at     _|_   ___   ___   _|_
| 6 |       | 2 |  room #1)    |32 |_|40 |_|41 | |36 |
|___|       |___|              |___| |___| |___| |___|
 _|_   ___   _|_                _|_      ___      _|_
| 5 |_| 4 |_| 3 |              |39 |____|38 |____|37 |
|___| |___| |___|              |___|    |___|    |___|

 ___      ___      ___             ___
|14 |____|15 |____| 8 |           |19 |
|___|    |___|    |___|           |___|
 _|_   ___  |      _|_       ___   _|_   ___   ___
|13 | |17 |.      | 9 |     |20 |_|21 |_|22 |_|23 |
|___| |___| .___  |___|     |___| |___| |___| |___|
  |    _|_  |16 |   |        ___   _|_   ___   ___
  |   |18 | |___|   |      <|24 |_|25 |_|26 |_|27 |_
  |   |___| .       |       |___| |___| |___| |___|
 _|_      _._      _|_       ___   _|_   ___   ___
|12 |____|11 |____|10 |     |28 |_|29 |_|30 |_|31 |
|___|    |___|    |___|     |___| |___| |___| |___|

 1 Northeast platform (s,d) (Down to room 8)
 2 Eastern walkway (n,s)
 3 Southeast platform (w,n,d) (Down to room 10)
 4 Southern walkway (e,w)
 5 Southwest platform (e,n)
 6 Western walkway (n,s)
 7 Northwest platform (d,s) (Down to room 14)
 8 Northeastern corner of courtyard (s,w,u) (Up to room 1)
 9 Stable (n,s,w) (West to room 27)
10 Southeastern corner of courtyard (n,w,u) (Up to room 3)
11 Southern section of courtyard (e,w)
12 Southwest corner of courtyard (e,n)
13 Western section of courtyard (n,s)
14 Northwest corner of courtyard (e,s,u) (Up to room 7)
15 Northern section of courtyard (e,w,s) (South to room 19)
16 An open area (no exits)
17 A small ledge (s)
18 A small, dark cave (n)
19 Fortress entrance (s,n)
20 Fortress armory (e)
21 Hallway (n,e,s,w)
22 Barracks (e,w)
23 More barracks (w)
24 Stairway (e,u) (Up to room 32)
25 Hallway (e,w,s,n)
26 Mess hall (w)
27 Kitchen (e) (East to room 9)
28 Storeroom (e)
29 Recreation hall (n,w,e)
30 Outer office (w,e)
31 Office (w)
32 Roof of fort (d,n,s,e) (Down to room 24)
33 Northwest corner of roof (s,e)
34 Northern section of roof (e,w)
35 Northeast corner of roof (s,w)
36 Eastern side of roof (n,s)
37 Southeast corner of roof (n,w)
38 Southern edge of roof (w,e)
39 Southwest corner of roof (n,e)
40 Stockade (w,e)
41 Cell (w)
