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The shimmering blue doors, also called "dimensional doors" or "ddoor" for short, are usually scattered around Tantallon and are put there by Mages after each reboot. The doors create a link between two places so that players can travel around quickly. Although doors can be dispelled it is frowned upon and could result in consequences with the law team. Not all of the doors are commonly used and some may only be created at the discretion of the Mage.

Door Mages

It is quite costly for Mages to create these doors and cast permanency on them since it requires huge amounts of spellpoints and the rare nightshade reagent. If you enjoy using these doors please help the Mages that create them by donating coins and nightshade to any of the active, known door Mages. The door Mages are listed below in alphabetical order.

Brynna, Boofy, Fenja, Greycloak, Kepler, Mithran, Mundungu, Raederle, Wittigo, Wussmage, Xaedra, Zayvin

Door List

Door Area Directions
1e shapeshifter enclave 11s, 17w, 6s, 1e, 1s, 12e, 11s, 3e
1n ranger camp 31n, 9w, 10n, 16e, 1s, enter camp
1s thranarack pub 31n, 9w, 3n, 4w, 3n, 1w
1se of artificer hall neville (monk garden) 13n, 3e, 4n, 1e, 2n
1sw of artificer hall old nw corner - anguish (coordinates -17,60) 31n, 9w, 10n, 8w, 25n
3s jaochi hall 2e, 1d, enter door, 1w, 15n, 3e, 6n, 8e, 25n, 1w, 11n, 1e, 10n, 7e, 5n, 2w, 1n, 3u, 2e
1w, 1n andeli castle shoppe 31n, 9w, (quest area)
2e gwot's camp (gwot) 2e, 1d, enter door, 1w, 15n, 3e, 6n, 8e, 25n, 1w, 1n, 6w, 1nw
2e, 1d infidian (outside factor's hut) 3w, 2n, charter infidian, 2s, 5e, 1d, enter lancer
2e, 1d, 1n southeastern isle (harbour) 2e, 1d, wait for the ship atlantis to arrive, enter atlantis, wait to sail and dock at destination, leave ship
2e, 1n thom's tavern westmap - directions coming
2n duender (the waving blade) 11s, 17w, 6s, 1e, 1s, 1sw, 1w, 1n
2s nepeth (intersection) 13n, 6w, 3n
2n duender (the waving blade) 11s, 17w, 6s, 1e, 1s, 1sw, 1w, 1n
2n, 1w burnham castle 28n, 7w, 1n, enter castle, 2n
3n hobbitat habit 33n, 1ne, 2n, 1e, 1ne, 1s
1w norton (norton knick knacks) 31n, 9w, 10n, 17e, 6n, 2e, 4ne, 1n, 1w
3s, 1w, 1n anguish (outside snowfolk guild) 31n, 9w, 10n, 8w, 24n, 10e, 5s, 6e, 2s, 4e, 3n
3w iceforge clan (uena) 31n, 9w, 10n, 8w, 20n, 6e, 5s, 6e, 1ne, 2e, 1se, 4e, 1s, 1w, 2n, 1u, 1n, open n, 1n
3w, 1s, 1w, 1u manspider caves (drowgar tome) 11s, 17w, 6s, 1e, 1s, 8e, 14s, 1w, 1se, (see notes below)
4w arcadia (rustic fares) 24n, 9w, 1nw
5n aalgirzst (rench made) 20n, 8w, 1s, 1w, 1s, 2w, 1n, 23w, 1n, 3w, 1n, 1w, 3n, 1e
5w gemynd (peaceful rest) 2e, 1d, enter door, 1w, 15n, 3e, 3n, 1w, 1sw, 1nw, 1w, 1sw, 1w, 2n, 1e
6w smoking roc 2e, 1d, enter door, 17e, 17n, 6w, 1s, 2w, 1s, enter
6w, 2n artificer hall 11s, 17w, 6s, 1e, 1s, 12e, 11s, 1e, 11s, 4w, 1s, 1w, 2s, 2w, 1s, 1w, 2nw, 1sw, 1se
6w, 1s meat locker / mage of freezing (nepeth) 13n, 6w, 6n, 3e, 1n, 1e, down
x-roads nepeth (misha) 13n, 6w, 10n, open n, 1n, open e, 2e, 2n


Drowgar Tome: enter cleft, enter hole (you'll randomly land in a western room), stand, travel 1sw from the 3-way junction, jump down, stand, enter crack, say train, enter crack, climb handholds, 1ne, 3e, 1d, 4e, 1s, search eggshells, get egg, 1n, 1w, 1s, open curtain, 1s, say spy, 1w, give egg to shettal, 2w (entrance: 3e, 2n, 3w, 2u, push rock, stand, 1n).

Jump to the Player Shops page for a full list here: Link

Additional Information

The list below is the same as the one above, but this list uses the brief mode view of the room where the door connects from, and goes to. This can be helpful to some mages that tend to get lost and aren't quite sure if the room they are in is the correct one to place the door. You can toggle between brief mode and verbose mode in-game by typing 'brief' to toggle it back and forth. If you type 'look' you will always see the verbose description of the room no matter what view you are using, and if you type 'view' you will see the brief description of the room you are in, regardless of what view you are using.

Door Area From To
1e shapeshifter enclave Rickety quay (e,w) A sheltered glade in the forest (n,e,s,w)
1n ranger camp Glory Walk (n,e,s) Ranger Camp (out,tent)
1s thranarack pub Shoreline Road (n,s) A small pub (e)
1se of artificer hall neville (monk garden) Library of Artifice (nw) Temple, Peaceful Courtyard (s,n)
1sw of artificer hall anguish (coordinates -17,60) Artificer's Shop (ne) On a bonechilling glacier (s,e,w)
3s jaochi hall Main Street (n,e,w,s) A thatched hut (w)
1w, 1n andeli castle shoppe Shop (s,w) Andeli Castle Shoppe (e)
2e gwot's camp (gwot) Harbour (n,w,s,d) At a reed debris hut (se,enter)
2e, 1d infidian (outside factor's hut) Wharf (u,n) Light forest (n,e,w)
2e, 1d, 1n southeastern isle (harbour) A hole in the wall rental agency (s,w) SE Isle harbour (n,e)
2e, 1n thom's tavern A small bait and tackle shop (s) Near a large cookfire (n,e,s,w)
2n duender (the waving blade) Glory Walk (n,s,w) <Player Shop> (s,w)
2s nepeth (intersection) Shoreline Road (n,s) Nepeth, intersection of Merchant, Knight and Library (n,e,s,w)
2w fallan (falcons crest) Main Street (w,e) <Player Shop> (ne,w)
2n, 1w burnham castle Fighters hall (e) The great room of the castle (n,e,s,w)
3n hobbitat habit Glory Walk (n,s) <Player Shop> (n,s)
1w norton (norton knick knacks) Shoreline Road (n,s,w) <Player Shop> (e,w)
3s, 1w, 1n anguish (outside snowfolk guild) Deteriorated hut (n,s) Snowfolk guild hall (out,n)
3w iceforge clan (uena) Village Centre (n,e,w,s) Supply room of the temple (e)
3w, 1s, 1w, 1u manspider caves (drowgar tome) Tower hall (d) In a small chamber (e)
4w arcadia (rustic fares) Main Street (e,w) <Player Shop> (se,w)
5n aalgirzst (rench made) Glory Walk (n,e,s,w) <Player Shop> (e,w)
5w gemynd (peaceful rest) Trader Lane (n,w,e,s) <Player Shop> (w,e)
6w smoking roc Main Street (w,e,n,s) The Smoking Roc (out)
6w, 2n artificer hall At a cozy firepit (s) Artificer Hall (ne,se,sw,nw,d)
6w, 1s meat locker / mage of freezing (nepeth) In a smithy (n,s,w) In the meat locker (u)
x-roads nepeth (misha) East Village Crossroads (n,e,s,w) Banquet hall (w,s)