Ghost Ship

From Ancient Anguish Mud Wiki - AAwiki

Fast Facts

Coder: Cat
Continent: Anguish
Directions: 29n 5e enter ship
Loot: Rated 3 out of 6 / $$$$$$
Suitable: Low Level Area
Difficulty: Rated 2 out of 6 / ☠☠☠☠☠☠


A popular newbie area, visit it before you grow too big to fit in!


NPC Race Level Aim Smitable Experience NPC Count Alignment
A big zombie Undead 10 head Yes 260 varies 2Nasty
A ghost of the captain Undead 12 head Yes 580 1 2Nasty
A glowing spirit Undead 10 head Yes 285 2 2Nasty
A hideous skeleton Undead 10 head no 225 varies 3Neutral
A huge ship rat Undead 9 head no 185 varies 3Neutral
A rotting zombie Undead 10 head Yes 219 2 2Nasty
A stinking skeleton Undead 10 head no 225 varies 3Neutral
A threatening spirit Undead 10 head Yes 235 3 2Nasty
An angry ship rat Undead 9 head no 189 varies 3Neutral
An ugly zombie Undead 10 head Yes 219 2 2Nasty
An undead ship rat Undead 9 head no 185 2 3Neutral


Weapon Type Skill Wt. Str NPC Damage Parry Handed
A large bone Club 15-20 2 1 Ghost Ship Greater than Average Poor One Handed
A jeweled dagger Knife 10-15 1 Haunted Ship Average Useless One Handed
A spirit knife Knife 15-20 1 2 Threatening Spirit Average Very Poor One Handed
A ghost sword Shortsword 20-30 Ghost of Captain Average Good One Handed


                        ___   ___      ___
                       |17 | |16 |    |20 |
                       |___| |___|    |___|
                        _|_   _|_      _|_
       ___   ___       |15 |_|14 |    |19 |
      | 2 | | 4 |      |___| |___|    |___|
      |___| |___|       ___   _|_      _|_
       _|_   _|_   ___ |13 |_|12 |    |18 |
      | 1 |_| 3 |_| 5 ||___| |___|-Up-|___|
      |___| |___| |___|      /
       _|_   _|_   ___  __Up
      | 6 |_| 7 |_|11 |/
      |___| |___| |___|
            | 8 |
      ___   |___|
     |10 |  /
      _|_ /
     | 9 |

 1 Kitchen (w,n,s,e)
 2 Store (s)
 3 Passage (s,n,w,e)
 4 A cabin (s)
 5 A cabin (w)
 6 Cook's cabin (n,e)
 7 Passage (n,e,s,w)
 8 Stairs (n,d)
 9 Hold of the ship (n,u)
10 Hold of the ship (s)
11 Stairs (w,u)
12 Stairs (n,u,d,w)
13 Cabin (e)
14 Passage (s,n,w)
15 Captain's cabin (n,e)
16 Captain's private study (s)
17 A small cabin (s)
18 Deck (n,d)
19 Deck (n,s)
20 Deck (s)
