Library books

From Ancient Anguish Mud Wiki - AAwiki

Original Source: Snowfolk For Science

Some books can be taken from libraries and other places around the world and 'replaced' or 'returned' to bookcases installed in player houses. They can then be taken, read, loaned to other players, etc. As long as the book is returned to the bookcase before reboot, it will be there after reboot. Books not returned in time must be replaced with a new copy from elsewhere in the game.

There are currently 81 unique titles in this list.

Title Author Pages
A Brief History of the Desert to the Far South Zaltrian the studious 7
A Brief Introduction to Dwarven Religion Trazan Rustbeard 7
A Cleric's Life Anonymous 6
A Fool and his Life Anon 21
A Guide to Basic Necromancy Dark Lord Albeleo 7
A Murder of Ravens Fendalis 8
A Paleontological Study of an Emergence Period Bog Gladstone Glendoriel 10
A Treatise on Religious Similarities Torarinnus 7
Alton's Plan Anon 8
Amazon Anon 4
Anguish Anon 13
Arnog Trueheart, the Fierce Galtrion, official Trueheart biographer 16
Arutha Trueheart, Founder of the Trueheart Line Galtrion, official Trueheart biographer 10
Astar's Story Ashtar 32
Attack at the Tunnel of Mist Anon 6
Beka Anon 13
Breaking the Pattern Anon 6
Burnham Trifle Garr 14
Cold-Based Magic Warra of the North 6
Crybaby's Journal entry 67 Crybaby 5
Dear Sarah Anon 27
Defection Anon 11
Drin Trueheart, the Kind Galtrion, official Trueheart biographer 14
Duel in the Desert Bleys 391
Dylain's Story Anon 50
Eldar Guildbook Dracul 11
Exile of the Bears Anon 8
Fall of the Truehearts Bleys 42
Fighter Book Blayne 8
Finding Fir Anon 7
Finding Home Delaney 18
Gemynd History Bradok 9
Gralain, Righteous Protector Galtrion, official Trueheart biographer 10
Hare and Fuzzy Bunny Krq 5
History of Ancient Anguish Sully 17
How to build an igloo Frosty 8
Illustrated Guide to Common Boki 6
Kilborn's Story Kilborn 4
Legends Anon 41
Measurement in the Realm of Anguish Liander 9
Paladin History Anon 16
Path of Doom Anon 24
Places of Infidian Unknown 6
Ptarmigan recipes Rolinda 5
Requiem Anon 22
Rogues' Manual The One in the Corner 6
Seeking Peace of Heart Anon 18
Snowflurry Creation J.C. Littleton 7
Soul Searching of a Hero in the Making Anon 17
Story of Khaz Anon 42
Strength in Numbers Celyia 54
Study of the Centaur Uknown 10
Study of the Gnomes Ellaith 9
Teradia's Story Anon 26
The Dragon's Treasure Firebird 22
The Elemental Gods Trazan Rustbeard 8
The Enclave Origin 10
The Far North Trazan Rustbeard 6
The Gift Anon 12
The History of the Snowfolk Guild Frosty 6
The Hunt Anon 6
The Ice King's Tale Frosty 3
The Kequa Gaius the Sage 13
The Mission Anon 6
The Nature of Evil Anon 39
The Origin of Humans on the Continent of Anguish Zaltrian the studious 10
The Origins of the Scythe Menace Zaltrian the studious 8
The Path of Righteousness Constantine Paladin of Antana 6
The Story of Silverankh Anon 7
The Tale of Niteangel Anon 2
The Tale of Prince Krim Anon 11
The True Heart of Gilbert Anon 26
The Whiteleaf Addicts of Burnham Anon 4
The Worm King Anon 16
Tim Trueheart, the Happy Galtrion official Trueheart biographer 13
Time to Rain Anon 25
Tips for Novice Mages Eliveru 5
Tips for Rangers Rhynst 7
Trolls in Our Realms Anson Greyhawk 5
Your Small White Card "Rock Monster" 7
Ywin Trueheart, the Cursed Galtrion official Trueheart biographer 12